Parents: The information you need!
Student Parent Handbook
PreKinder 10:45-11:30
Kinder/Unit 11:00-11:30
1st Grade 11:15-12:00
2nd Grade 11:30-12:15
3rd Grade 11:45-12:30
4th Grade 12:00-12:45
5th Grade 12:15-1:00
Parents can check their child's AR progress, including average percent correct in quizzes, number of points earned, and reading book level.
Password: Students birthday
1st Grade 8:00-8:45
4th Grade 8:45-9:30
3rd Grade 9:30-10:15
2nd Grade 10:15-11:00
5th Grade 1:00-1:45
Kinder 1:45-2;30
PreKinder 2:15-3:00
Report bullying or other suspicious activity here.
Parental Involvement & Migrant Clerk: Mrs. Hilda Braham
You may contact Mrs. Braham at 289-2390 for parent information.
Puede contactar a Sra. Braham al 289-2390 sobre informacion para padres